Designing next-gen retail places”…

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Date: June 272013

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Designing next-gen retail places”…

… or why and how a retail place must be organised as a third place”.

This white paper” published by IQmetrix confirms some spreading notions we also observe and encourage.

The goal is to make the place a destination, not just an utilitarian space….”

To achieve this, 2 main points says this paper :
- the importance of design – mixing activities (ad business) to create long term relationship with customers The 2d point is illustrated by this article : The future of retail : from revenue generator to R&D engine”. Read here

There is a sector actually perfectly reflecting the 2 points and massively evolving : food.
Could we find here the expression of the so called customer experience”?
Lets come back to our posts serie” regarding food spaces and continue this reflection :
Tasting on the go” – read here
Feeling food” – read here
Food & fomats” – read here
The dining experience, a concept?” – read here

Source : iQmetrix