Retail POS Cash Management Software

Manage and Protect Your Cash Flow

Effortlessly manage money between customers, your store, and carriers like never before. Cash Management is a robust, comprehensive tool that works with an iQmetrix POS or your existing solutions. 

iQmetrix Cash Management
iQmetrix Cash Management

Authentication keeps you in the know

Cash Management offers rich permissions settings that ensure thorough logging of activities to make every experience a positive one. Employee verification gives reps access only to necessary information while dual verification and password protected areas provide maximum total security.

Multiple drawers, no problems

Whether you manage one location or many, tracking cashflows across multiple payment terminals can be challenging. The Cash Management module simplifies the process for telecom retailers, allowing easy management of multiple tills and cash drawers. The one-screen view of all active tills makes checks and balances a breeze.

iQmetrix Cash Flow

Simple tracking of money movement

The ability to set prompts and alerts reduces tediousness of tracking cash flow and keeps you informed. Employees receive notifications about cash flow responsibilities upon login, while management can set alerts to remind staff to perform cash drops, blind counts, and more.


Improved Cash Management

Single or Multi-Drawer

Track, compare, report on, and audit tills. With a multi-drawer functionality, authorized employees can dig into the details and help ensure skims, deposits, and floats are accurate.

Cash In and Cash Out

Managers or authorized employees can easily open and close tills at the start and end of the sales day. Choose between visible or blind counts for enhanced security and streamlined operations.

Configurable Floats

Not having cash on-site can be a nightmare scenario. Don’t miss out on a single sale and determine starting till amounts and denominations so every customer can be served.

Internal Security Controls

Prevent fraud and theft with robust employee verification. Sensitive cash areas require dual authentication from a second employee to ensure everything is properly authorized.

Cash Skim

Having a full till can be stressful. Periodically move money to a safe place so staff is at ease until a deposit can be made.


Force cash in, cash out, and cash skims at specific times to ensure cash levels are maintained and tills aren’t overwhelmed with funds.

Drawer and Cash Audits

Accessing information about the whereabouts of money has never been simpler. Whether you require drawer data for any reason, it’s easily accessible.

Cash Reporting

Audit trails, reports, and employee data are all reconcilable. Cash out to bank statements is always tracked so you can be sure the right money made it to the right hands.

Are you ready to effectively manage cash flow?