Product Detail/​Sales By Product Report

The Product Detail Report displays the detailed history of all sales transactions in the iQmetrix system, from the specified Authorized Retailer, summarized per product.

Shiftlab receives the below information from this report corresponding their product need.

Information with example responses

DateCreated”: 2016-05-13T12:18:08.723”,
DateCreatedUTC”: 2020-05-27T14:37:32.37”,
EmployeeID”: 4,
GrossProfit”: 0.99,
InvoicedBy_​StoreID”: 1,
ProductCouponDiscount”: 0.75,
SaleInvoice_​RowID”: 8c6537ae-75a5-4155-82b2-c8647ed05f3d”,
SaleInvoiceProduct_​RowID”: 0099b78f-ba02-4a91-afd4-
TotalDiscount”: 424.95,
TotalPrice”: 25.25,
UnitCost”: 0.75,

Arcade receives no information from this report.

Sales By Invoice

The Sales by Invoice Report displays all the invoices for the whole company or for a particular region, district, location or even an individual employee for any date range.

Shiftlab receives the below information from this report corresponding their product need.

Information with example responses

DateCreated”: 2016-05-13T12:18:08.723”,
SoldBy”: iQmetrix User”,
StoreName”: Kiosk”,
TotalSales”: 164.49,
TotalStoreInStoreProfit”: 0.99

Arcade receives no information from this report.

Employee Master List

The Employee Master List report provides a list of employee information for the given parameters.

Shiftlab receives the below information from this report corresponding their product need.

Information with example responses

Disabled”: No”,
Email Address”: hilary@​kentel.​com”,
Employee ID”: 60,
Employee Name”: Hillary Smith”,
Part Time”: 0,
Role”: Store Manager”,
Security Role”: Sales Representative

Arcade receives the below information from this report corresponding their product need.

Information with example responses

Disabled”: No”,
Email Address”: hilary@​kentel.​com”,
Employee ID”: 60,
Employee Name”: Hillary Smith”,
Locked”: No”,
Personal Email”: hilary@​kentel.​com”,
Primary Location”: Corporate Office”,
Username”: Hillary.Oliver”,


The Employee report is alternative report to Employee Master List’.

Shiftlab receives the below information from this report corresponding their product need.

Information with example responses

UserManagerEmployeeID”: 46824,
EmployeeID”: 164,
EmployeeName”: John Smith”,
Username”: John.Smith”,
Disabled”: false,
Email”: test@​test.​com”,
SecurityRole”: Sales Representative”,
PartTime”: false

Arcade receives the below information from this report corresponding their product need.

Information with example responses

EmployeeID”: 164,
EmployeeName”: John Smith”,
Username”: John.Smith”,
Disabled”: false,
Locked”: false,
Email”: test@​test.​com”,
PrimaryLocation”: Kiosk”,

Punch Clock

Report displays users within a company highlighting start and end time of their punch clock.

Shiftlab receives the below information from this report corresponding their product need.

Information with example responses

punchId”: 20684,
locationEntityID”: 186075,
userManagerID”: 1340907,
punchTimeIn”: 2021-02-15T09:57:12.953”,
punchTimeOut”: 2021-02-15T19:18:55.467”,
recordType”: UserPunch”

Arcade receives no information from this report.

Location Master List

The Location Master List report displays a list of all created locations in the database that satisfies the provided parameters.

Shiftlab receives the below information from this report corresponding their product need.

Information with example responses

Disabled”: 1,
DistrictName”: Smithton”,
LocationEntityID”: 48540,
RegionName”: Abarea”,
StoreID”: 1187,
StoreName”: Dufferin Mall”,

Arcade receives the below information from this report corresponding their product need.

Information with example responses

Disabled”: 1,
DistrictName”: Smithton”,
RegionName”: Abarea”,
StoreName”: Dufferin Mall”,

Performance Group

Arcade receives the below information from this report corresponding their product need.

Information with example responses

CategoryName”: Cases
CategoryOrProduct”: ByCategory
CategoryPath”: » Cellular Accessories » Cases
ChannelID:” 373AB14E-4A41-44B6-A7DD-E16265C49708
ChannelName”: Dealer
DistrictID”: 37
DistrictName”: Heartland States - Mobilelink Tennessee LLC
Enabled”: Yes
GroupID”: 19
GroupName”: Accessories
Included”: Yes
Margin”: 0.8003
Priority”: 6
ProductID”: 24810
ProductIdentifier”: CAOTUA001317
ProductName”: UAG Plasma Case for Apple iPhone 8/7/6S - Cobalt/​Black
Profit”: 95.99
Quantity”: 6
RegionID”: 17
RegionName”: Mobilelink Tennessee LLC
Sales”: 119.94
StoreID”: 491
StoreName”: 425: Mobilelink Tennessee LLC - Lamar Ave
EmployeeID”: 3764
EmployeeName”: Hillary Smith

Shiftlab receives no information from this report.